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Post-Natal Care

How to get back into action and shape after delivery?

Women who have delivered a baby, especially after the firstborn, often face different layers of issues that are new and challenging to them to face on their own.  The partner/husband may not be able to help the woman figure out these issues.  


On a physical level, she may be facing heaviness in excess weight, feeling dryness in the body and low in energy levels. Working out during the postpartum period (around 3 months after delivery) has to be done with extra care as different problems such as Diastasis Recti Abdominus, the separation of the 2 halves of the rectus abdominus muscle along the central connective tissue seam within the abdominal wall called the linea alba.


Mentally, she may be feeling exhausted from figuring out what to do with a new addition into her life, drastic change in lifestyle and loss of freedom of individual movement and mindset having to always take into account of caring for a new person while having to juggle personal identity and needs with career/job obligations for some.​  


On a psychological level, she may be facing body image issues that are often very jarring and scarring for long term if not tackled immediately and allowed to simmer for too long.  Emotionally exhausted often from having to juggle multiple roles and dealing with own personal body and health issues could turn life very stressful and strain the marriage/relationship as well.  


As many women are constantly advised by parents and friends that they should take it easy on themselves since they have just gone through a huge undertaking of carrying and delivering a baby, which is true to a certain extent, however these kind and comforting words of advice sometimes can be taken to the opposite extreme and produce longer term side effects that are difficult to reverse, causing detriment to the health and wellness of the woman and her family.


The question of when it is appropriate for a woman to resume physical activity is of much contention.  Some traditional beliefs may restrict physical activity for 1 month or up to 1 year even.  In reality, every human body is built and feeling differently from other bodies at any one point in time and the unique circumstances of each body necessitates a holistic health assessment by experienced coaches who can help to tailor make prescription and advice for each individual based on the condition of each body.


Movement, be it gentle or vigorous, is often the answer to help women get back their health, vitality, energy and motivation levels back on track after delivery.  Normally, after 1 month of confinement (a case-by-case evaluation is highly suggested to be made as different individuals may have other complications from childbirth that necessitates a longer period of confinement), women are encouraged to resume physical activity because waiting for too long would likely make it more difficult for the body and energy flow to spring them back into action. 


Water retention accumulated from the final trimester of the pregnancy and the lack of sweating during pregnancy and confinement further exacerbates the feeling of heaviness, lack of energy/vitality and imbalances of elements within one's body.  With movement and sweating, these problems will start to be alleviated and the momentum of bringing the body back into balance will catapult her into going back into her health and wellness regimen prior to pregnancy.


Post-Partum Vaginal Dryness

A common symptom faced by women post-delivery and can last for up to 6 months sometimes.

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