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UPCOMING TEACHER TRAINING (72 × 36 in) (4).png

Dee Dream Life Meditation Teacher Training 200-hour (YTT200) program is personalised to deepen your understanding of yoga in its most authentic and holistic approach, combining the philosophy and practice of Hatha, Tantra and Ayurveda to give you a complete and thorough understanding of yoga and meditation in its fullest form. You will learn how to make a deep impact on yourself and others in a transformational way that covers across body, mind, spirit and life! 


Whether you plan to make a career out of teaching yoga or are simply looking to enhance your own practice, this program teaches you how to bring yoga into daily life.  Taught by multi-award winning and highly accomplished teacher trainer Dee Oh, who has taught and mentored thousands of students of all ages from various backgrounds across many disciplines, you will experience a meaningful and rich journey that will elevate you towards your highest and most fulfilling life purpose...  Dee is known for her caring ways, charisma and capability to connect with all at a deep level that instills a love and joy for learning with a smile!


Who We Are

Dee Dream Life is a premium one-stop shop for health, fitness & wellness integrating life coaching with dance, fitness, yoga and meditation.  Based in Central HK and with outposts across HK, we serve clients from all walks of life from the rich and famous to the underprivileged.  We pioneer a revolutionary system to help everyone maximise their potential and achieve their dream life through our Wellness Wheel.


We are community based and have the service of all at the heart of all our coaching.  Our coaches are COMPASSIONATE, KIND and CARING while being offering high quality coaching to adults and children in public group classes and private events for corporations, institutions and organisations in Hong Kong and globally through online services, with the aim for global expansion.

About The Course

Areas of study include:

  • Yoga Philosophy and Principles (Yama's & Niyama's)

  • Anatomy & physiology of Physical & Non-Physical Bodies

  • Biomechanics of the Physical Body

  • Asana (Physical Postures) with In-Depth Posture Labs

  • Pranayama (Breathwork) and the Energetic Bodies

  • Meditation (including Kriyas, Chanting, Mantras & Chakras)

  • Ayurveda and Asana
    Lifestyle and Ethics of a Yogi

  • Injury Management 

  • Teaching Methodology

  • The Business of Yoga - How to Set Up Your Career

  • Introduction to Specialty Areas, including Pre-Natal Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kids Yoga, Yoga Nidra*


Training will include recorded content for trainees to listen to in their own time. In-studio option includes portions online. Trainers include Lead Trainer, Dee Oh and guest trainers for some speciality parts. 

*Trainee can choose up to 3 specialty areas for the course


Format of course: We provide a number of flexible options for training program including intensive programs, weekend programs across 3 to 6 months and more!  Please enquire further to determine the format that works best for you.  

At Dee Dream Life, we focus on providing the most flexibility to help you enjoy and experience the course in the most convenient manner.  Personal attention and care for each trainee is of top priority to ensure you are well equipped to teach after completion. 




Certification Requirements


In order to successfully complete the Meditation Teacher Training 200-hour program, you are required to:

  • Attend and participate in all required training sessions of the In-Person/Online classes. 


  • Complete all obligations, assignments and hours requirements of the program. 


  • Complete 10 hours of logged practice teaching time with supervision of your lead trainer.


  • Final presentation of Svadhyaya (Self-Study) project and demonstration yoga class (Date to be confirmed and determined by trainee and teacher)


Training Session Attendance

  • Attendance is taken during all in-person and online training sessions.  Any session missed will require a make-up session.



Please wear outfits that allow you to do yoga and meditation during training sessions.  


Yoga Manners

Trainers and staff have worked to create an open and supportive environment for learning.  Please be respectful of your trainers, your fellow trainees and the studio. 


Please turn your cell phone on silent mode and minimise the usage of phone during training.  


Recording of teacher training sessions is permitted. Usage of these materials is limited to your personal reference and not for any other purpose, unless permitted by Dee Dream Life


Be punctual. We do our best to stick to the schedule and finish on time everyday, so make it a priority to arrive on time to each session. 


Please refrain from talking to other trainees during lectures and classes unless during discussion sessions. You will miss important information, and it is disruptive and disrespectful to your teacher(s) and fellow trainees. 


If you bring lunch, water bottles, or snacks, please put your trash in the garbage bins.  Each time you leave a training session, look around and help clean up after yourself and your training group in the event that one of your peers has accidentally left something behind. 


Please clean and return all mats, blankets and props used neatly. 


Due to Covid-19 pandemic, please advise the trainer accordingly if you experience any Covid- 19 virus symptoms and reschedule to an online session.  


PERSONAL BOUNDARIES We are all here to learn and explore the practices of yoga and meditation. In order to get the depth of experience from your teacher training we ask that you to refrain from engaging with your trainers and classmates in a way that is intimate or sexual in nature. 



One of the most fulfilling and rewarding parts of teacher training is self development—learning to apply the concepts and techniques learned in the classroom to your own personal life and circumstances.  Sharing of how the lessons have affected your life and led to your own transformation is a very important part of the journey of this course.  Enjoy it and watch how you raise your own consciousness before you embark on the journey to help others raise theirs!


Honour and respect the journey of your fellow trainees and trainers.  As much as you would like to share your journey to others, your teachers and fellow trainees also would like to share this journey with you.  Give and receive a listening ear while aiming to draw on lessons from one another to enrich your own horizons of experiences. 


Your teachers are meant to facilitate you to find your own answers from within.  It is through your own self reflection that you will be able to discover the truth you need to face from within, and the truth will set you free!  Liberation from mental fluctuations, worries, dramas and being stuck in the fray of society is the ultimate quest for salvation for each and every one of us in this universe…


The support and camaraderie of the group you are in will help you define your journey and the richness within.  Stay focused on your journey while lending a helping hand, listening ear and crying shoulder to those around you.  Please refrain from giving or receiving unsolicited advice from your fellow trainees and if in doubt, always revert back to your trainers in this course. 

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© 2022 by Dee Dream Life Hong Kong (Dance, Fitness, Yoga & Life Coaching with Dee Oh & Dee Dream Team)

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